Fellowship awarded to improve treatments for methamphetamine abuse

Fellowship awarded to improve treatments for methamphetamine abuse

26 November 2019

Orygen’s Dr Eddie Mullen has been awarded a fellowship grant from the National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs to build on research in the area of alcohol and other drugs (AOD).

Dr Mullen said the fellowship would support the work being done in Orygen’s substance use research group and early intervention clinic (SURGE), under the lead of Dr Gill Bedi, to develop and implement clinically relevant treatments for substance use disorders.

“Working as a clinician has meant that I have had limited time for research,” Dr Mullen said. “This fellowship will be invaluable in allowing me to dedicate the necessary time to research new treatments for methamphetamine abuse in young people and access expert research and addiction treatment mentoring.”

Dr Mullen’s research seeks to address the gap in knowledge and treatment of methamphetamine use in young people.

“I look forward to growing my existing role in clinical AOD treatment and research within Orygen. This fellowship will provide a unique opportunity to build my research skills, which will lead to an increased capacity to conduct clinical  research and develop new treatments for young people seeking care.”

The National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs is funded by the Australian Department of Health as part of the government’s National Ice Action Strategy.