Leave a gift in your will

Message from Pat
Orygen have advocated for the past 30 years that the system in which we seek to help young people and families is broken, and significant change is needed. We now have the opportunity to drive this transformation and build on the recent outcomes of the Royal Commission into the Victorian Mental Health System.
Leaving Orygen a gift in your Will ensures that Orygen remains at the forefront of developments in youth mental health as we shift paradigms nationally and globally towards creating and spreading evidence-based, appropriate, acceptable and effective services to young people aged 12-25.
We believe that all young people deserve to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Your gift will help support the realisation of this belief as we work to create a more appropriate unified mental health system of care for young people and their families.
Nothing is more powerful … now that’s a revolution in mind!
Include Orygen in your will
Remembering a charity in your Will, once you have provided for your loved ones, is an excellent way to ensure that your beliefs and values live on, into the future.
Entrusting Orygen with a gift in your Will, both large and small, is an investment in the future mental health of our young people and an investment in the future of Australia. A lasting contribution to Orygen can continue our pioneering progress for young people whose lives are impacted by mental illness.
Seventy-five per cent of mental ill-health starts before age 25, which has profound impacts on young people’s development and capacity to participate and contribute economically and socially.
Importantly, gifts in Wills also allow our researchers to plan long-term projects well into the future, with confidence that funding will be available when it’s needed most.
A legacy gift to Orygen in your Will can help make a real difference to the future of young people with mental illness, their functional recovery, and their long-term contributions to society.
Join Orygen to lead the revolution in youth mental health!
why include Orygen in your will
Youth mental health is the most important non-communicable disease facing the world over the next two decades. One in five young people will have experienced a depressive episode by the time they turn 18.
Mental ill-health limits the fulfilment of the potential of young people. By including Orygen in your Will, you can create a lasting legacy towards ensuring that this major threat is faced and overcome.
Your future gift will help Orygen to:
- pioneer reform to deliver real-world practical solutions;
- continue our world-leading research that redefines what’s possible by bridging research with clinical care;
- treat early and focus on recovery;
- provide clinical care for young people who need help with mental, physical and sexual health, alcohol and other drugs or work and study support;
- deliver specialist mental health services for young people with severe and complex mental ill-health;
- educate the next generation of the mental health workforce; and
- never settle for anything less than what young people need and deserve.
Remembering Orygen in your Will is an investment into the future of young people and their mental health care.
How can I leave a gift in my will?
Including a gift and remembering Orygen in your Will is four very simple steps away.
- Making or changing your Will to include a gift to Orygen could be as simple as contacting your legal advisor and they will do all the important work for you. Alternatively, you could use an online option to create a simple Will. We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, an online Wills and Estates law firm, who host a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service. It takes less than 10 minutes to write your Will for free now.
- Contact our Gifts in Wills team on 1800 ORYGEN (1800 679 436) or email [email protected]. They would love to hear from you and are there to help ensure you have all the information you need.
- Discuss your decision with your family and loved ones. This will ensure they support and understand your reasons for choosing Orygen and your wish to help in such a powerful way.
- Once you have remembered us in your Will, please let our Gifts in Wills team know, we would love to thank you for your foresight. It’s also okay if you don’t want to tell us.
Types of gifts in wills
It is important to consider the type of legacy you choose to leave Orygen. There are a number of different types of gifts you can make in your Will. The main ones are listed below.
A residual legacy is a portion of your estate, or the balance remaining after loved ones and expenses are provided for.
A residual legacy is the best type of gift because it maintains the relative value of your gift and automatically adjusts to changes in the value of your estate. This is the gift type Orygen ask our supporters to consider because it should not decrease in value over time.
Specific amount of money
This type of gift is sometimes called a pecuniary legacy. A pecuniary legacy allows you to nominate a specific amount of money.
Specific items of value
Anything of value, such as property, shares, jewellery or works of art, may be specifically named in your Will and given directly to Orygen.
Please seek legal advice
We recommend you seek the advice of an independent solicitor or qualified legal advisor before making or revising your Will. You should also seek qualified advice before choosing executors to administer your estate.
Will wording
Here is the preferred wording for including a gift to Orygen in your Will. We suggest you take this with you when you go to your solicitor.
I give to Orygen (ABN 85 098 918 686) 35 Poplar Road, Parkville, Victoria, 3052, to be held upon trust and I direct the Trustees of the Foundation, Orygen Foundation, to make income distributions for the purposes of ongoing research activities at, or connected with, Orygen (1)_______________ , free of all duties and deductions, for its (2)___________________ purposes.
The receipt of an authorised Orygen Foundation officer shall be deemed proof of payment, and I declare that the receipt of the secretary, trustee or other officer of Orygen Foundation is sufficient release for the executors of the Estate without seeing to the final distribution of the funds.
(1) Choose one of the following:
- the whole (or________ %) of the residue of my estate
- the whole (or_______% ) of my estate
- the sum of $________
- my____________________(insert name of specific asset(s) e.g. property or shares)
(2) Choose one of the following
Or just print this will wording to give to your solicitor.
Informing us of your decision and keep up to date with latest research
Once you have included Orygen in your Will, we hope you will share your decision with our Gifts in Wills team so that we can thank you appropriately and keep you up to date with our work.
Informing us of your decision to remember Orygen in your Will:
- provides us with the opportunity to thank you for your generosity and welcome you as a member of our illustrious Orygen Revolutionaries supporter club;
- ensures you will receive invitations to exclusive Orygen Revolutionaries events where you will hear about the exciting work being carried out at Orygen today; and
- gives you the chance to hear directly from some of Orygen’s innovative researchers.
Contact us
For more information or to speak to someone about your intentions, please contact our Gifts in Wills team on 1800 ORYGEN (1800 679 436) or email [email protected].