30 scholarships to nurture new generation of peer workers

30 scholarships to nurture new generation of peer workers

28 June 2023

Orygen is offering 30 scholarships to people with lived experience of mental ill-health who are interested in undertaking Orygen's Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work.

The scholarships have been made available through a new initiative by the Victorian Government’s Lived Experience Branch, Mental Health and Wellbeing Division.

Peer workers are people with lived experience of mental ill-health who support and advocate for someone who is experiencing similar challenges who are attending mental health services in Victoria.

These scholarships aim to support a career pathway for individuals with a lived experience of mental ill-health and recognise the contribution of lived experience workers in the mental health system. On the completion of the course, graduates will receive a nationally accredited qualification.

With a strong commitment to supporting and empowering individuals with lived experience, Orygen aims to nurture a new generation of peer workers who can provide valuable insights and support to those facing similar situations.

Professor Rosemary Purcell, chief of knowledge translation at Orygen said that, “the team is thrilled to offer these scholarships as part of our ongoing commitment to building the capacity of the mental health workforce through education and training”.

“Peer workers bring a unique perspective and an invaluable level of empathy and understanding to their roles, and we believe that investing in their training will have a profound impact on the lives of people experiencing mental ill-health”.

The scholarships consist of a $4000 contribution towards the course fee and a $1000 stipend for each successful applicant. Priority for scholarships will go to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people living in remote and rural regions of Victoria.

If you'd like to apply for a scholarship in our Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work course, you’ll need to first enrol for the course. 

Enrol now

We'll send you details about how to apply for a scholarship in your enrolment acceptance email.

If you have any questions about the course or scholarships, contact the Orygen team on 0460 432 745 or email [email protected]