Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Vocational Programs commence at headspace Sunshine and Glenro

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Vocational Programs commence at headspace Sunshine and Glenroy

8 December 2016

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Vocational Programs commence at headspace Sunshine and Glenro

Gina Chinnery and Dr Magenta Simmons were recently successful in their application for Orygen to become part of the Victorian State Government’s Jobs Victoria Employment Network (JVEN) gaining $1,546,000 in funding over four years to implement the program.  JVEN funding will provide fully integrated Individual Placement and Support (IPS) vocational programs in our Sunshine and Glenroy headspace centres.  Dedicated IPS vocational specialists, Wayne Mallia at Sunshine and Sally Smith at Glenroy, have started providing IPS vocational support to young people.

The program will also welcome two youth peer workers who will provide peer support to young people enrolled in the program and those roles will commence in Jan 2017.  This is the first time that an IPS vocational program has had dedicated youth peer workers in the team so we look forward to welcoming this exciting new addition to the program and supporting young people into employment.