Special Symposium: Advances in Early Intervention for Depression and Psychosis in Youth

Special Symposium: Advances in Early Intervention for Depression and Psychosis in Youth

4 April 2017

Special Symposium: Advances in Early Intervention for Depression and Psychosis in Youth

Orygen was delighted to host esteemed international guests, Professor Ian Goodyer from Cambridge University (UK) and Professor Ashok Malla from McGill University (Canada) for a special symposium on Tuesday, April 4, which explored recent advances in developing novel and early interventions for depressive and psychotic disorders.

Presenting to a full house, Professor Goodyer discussed the longer term effects of psychological treatment for major depression in young people and Professor Malla reviewed aspects of outcome in First Episode Psychosis. While former Orygen researcher Dr Alexander Parker, now of Victoria University, spoke about physical activity interventions for young people with depression, and how it can improve mood.

The day also saw some of Orygen’s finest research leaders present their findings and introduce upcoming studies focussing on early intervention for depression and psychosis in young people.