Project Title

Suicide prevention with international students

Project Type



Research interests of the team

To examine novel approaches to suicide prevention with international students.

Project details

International students experience significant rates of suicide-related thoughts and behaviours. Currently, there are no available evidence-based suicide prevention programs or interventions designed specifically for international students.  Similarly, existing measures of suicide-related behaviour are also not adapted to international students.

This combination of factors makes it complicated to both measure and address the problem of suicide among international students. Research is needed to improve the measurement and prevention of suicide for international students.

PhD applications will be considered for projects exploring the factors that impact international student suicide prevention including:

  • New or improved measures of suicide-related behaviour for international students and other migrant communities.
  • The development and testing of international student-specific prevention programs.
  • How we can improve help-seeking for suicide-related thoughts and behaviours in international students.

Relevant references

Read all project related references on the MDPI website.