Alai Syafina
Alai Syafina picture

Alai Syafina

With a passion for the arts, both performance and crafts, I utilise these mediums to promote positive messages of growth and raise awareness on pressing issues. My professional background is enriched by my advocacy work, which blends artistic expression with a passion for mental health issues.

Though my journey as an advocate began with my personal struggle with mental health, it has taught me that by sharing stories, you help uplift others who may share the same experiences as you. Most recently, I released a short film, under a platform I co-founded called ‘Demi Gadis’ (For Women), that depicts consequences of societal taboos faced by women.

While there has been progress in raising mental health awareness across South East Asia, there remains a significant gap to address. The shortage of certified mental health professionals contrasts sharply with the increasing demand for their services. To tackle this issue, my project proposes focusing on implementing a readily accessible and affordable mental health intervention system. This initiative aims to empower youths with the skills to provide mental health first aid and intervene effectively during emergencies. By equipping young individuals with these capabilities, I envision fostering a healthier environment for well-being within schools and workplaces.