Novel evidence-based therapeutic models and mediums

Novel evidence-based therapeutic models and mediums

Online therapeutic interventions have traditionally been plagued by disappointing engagement rates. At Orygen Digital, we do not rely on technological innovation alone to address this. Drawing on the emerging discipline of graphic medicine, we have pioneered the use of comics to illustrate therapeutic interventions in an appealing youth-focussed format. The comics are a playful, low literacy, high concept medium that employ conversational language and relatable characters in familiar settings to model and explicate therapeutic concepts.

Our comics are collaboratively designed by clinical psychologists, comic artists and creative writers in consultation with young people and families. They draw on the latest science of what works in youth mental health, harnessing novel models of psychotherapy that focus on living life well rather than simply relieving symptoms. Key models of psychotherapy currently integrated within our online comic-based interventions include:

  • mindfulness;
  • self-compassion;
  • strengths-based models;
  • wellbeing therapy; and
  • cognitive behavioural therapy.

We are continually exploring new therapeutic approaches and modes of delivery to maximise the impact and appeal of our interventions for young people and families. 

Key projects testing this solution: Orygen Digital, Prodigy, Momentum, Rebound